Thursday, October 12, 2006

K went to school today

K went to school today in the morning and didn't cry when we left.... I don't expect her to not cry tomorrow, but I am so proud of her!!! She is going to be there for 2.5 hours (longest time yet)

On Tuesday K fell asleep on the way to school so we went to D& T's house. K had a great time and loved playing with the play dough. She was also very excited to see her star game and tried to keep them close to her. She also really enjoyed all the Elmo toys.

Today when I was eating my oatmeal she kept trying to put almonds in my cereal. I had quite a number of almonds in the bowl and asked her to eat the almonds she wanted. Instead of eating them she just kept scooping them into my bowl. When we tried to put them away she said that she would put them in her mouth as soon as she got the container she would giggle and put them in my bowl. I think had more almonds than oatmeal this morning.

Tomorrow we are taking a red eye to DC. Every time we ask where she is going on the plane she tells us to see pmogi and asks if grandma is coming. She must always associate pmogi with grandma.


Anonymous said...

Yay, K! I hope that you are starting to enjoy school more. We had a great time playing with you yesterday...come over for Elmo and playdooh anytime! Have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

HI, Ya'll. This is the first blog I have visited and it could not have been more wonderful...spending time learning about your trip to DC, K's first time at school, pict's, some of the archives...a real treasure. I hope Charlotte get online to enjoy this too. I would like to have spent more time, but need to get home. My internet at home is not yet up and now I have even more reason to get it up and running again. So lost without the internet! All info from around the world at my fingertips.
Much love to you all. Hope to vist with you soon.
AJ Aunt Jean