Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A little bummed

A little bummed this morning to miss the school's halloween party as I have class... T is going to the party before heading home so we can get a little group wandering in. Our neighborhood is great for going out as there are so many kids and a lot of folks really get into it.
K was quite excited by last night's earthquake and when Gma C called in to check in on her... K told her about the shaking and how scared MoCa was. She also went over to the couch and described the earthquake and the earth settling just like Daddy shared with her.... It was an exciting night for her and so she spent her third night ever in our bed. MoCa sleeps with us every night and was also really scared so there were four of us in our bed... We are a bit sleepy this morning.

Monday, October 29, 2007


We carved our first family pumpkin on Sat at a friend's Halloween party. There were about fifty pumpkins to choose from so K had a lot of fun picking out her pumpkin… Her favorite part was definitely cleaning out the pumpkin… We are lighting him every morning at breakfast… eek! K had a slow start on Saturday, but yesterday was in much better spirits and back to eating food… We had a family day with lunch in Los Gatos followed by an afternoon in downtown Santa Cruz before meeting our photographer from our wedding for our holiday photos. We went out to the beach which hopefully will turn out well, but as always was very cold! We had dinner in town before heading over the hill for another crazy week of work and school.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mommy... I am all wet

K woke up in the middle of the night with the stomach flu. We ended up doing a family sleepover (even MoCa came) in her room as she ended up throwing up most of the night... Her spirits were pretty high considering she took four baths, used all her sheets/pjs and had to sleep with a beach towel on top of the crib mattress. I took the day and stayed home with her napping, reading and going for a walk to explore the neighborhood pumpkins, which look awesome. T came home early and set up her big girl bed which she is sleeping in for the first time tonight... Hopefully we are through the worst of it and she can enjoy her bed...

Monday, October 22, 2007

I don't want to go to the farmers market

Yesterday as we pulled into the market I unclipped K only to turn around and see her seatbelt back on... "I'm not going to the market, I am staying in the car. I want to go to the party." K's higlight of yesterday was going to the Mom's group Halloween party. It was so good she took a two and a half hour nap immediately afterwards... very unlike our action girl! She had a really good time at the party and enjoyed playing, observing and treats although she was very concerned that her treat basket didn't contain any candy.

On Saturday T and I went up for our annual Oct Napa trip. The repeat highlights included tasting at Joseph Phelps and lunch at Auberge du Soleil. New cool experiences including tasting at Darioush (persian inspired winery) and Jarvis where we got an incredible tour where we got to smell french oak barrels, see the wine as it was being repumed in different vats and a great tasting. It was a neat behind the scenes tour. We also had dinner in downtown Napa for the first time ever at a great Italian place. K spent most of the day with Gma S, which she loved. She got to go to church, play at the park before heading home to spend the evening with G showing her toys, clothes etc.

School is crazy right now... T and I are having to split up to hang with K and so we aren't getting as much family time as we would like. Friday night we ate together which was great! Luckily this should be one of the worst quarters and I am 1/3 way in! In the meantime I was lucky enough to hear closing call at the local Starbucks every night this weekend! K is being a great sport and enjoying errands at Home Depot with T and grocery shopping with Mommy so we are quite lucky....

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

I played a lot!

The bed is moving along although it is a bit of a transition... We have had a couple nights where it was hard to get her to stay in. On Sunday morning K requested to wake up at 4am. We explained no did the songs, back rubbing etc. but couldn't get her into her bed... So T told her she could stay up, but it had to be in her room and we still needed to sleep. As he walked back down the hall the light went on and stayed on until 7 when she came into our room... We asked her what she did while we slept and she said she played A LOT! She insists that she didn't go back to sleep, and her toys were out so it seems that she kept herself occupied for three hours rather than sleeping in her bed. This morning she woke us up at 2am as one of T's socks must have gotten stuck to her blanket in the dryer... As she found it while she was sleeping she got up and brought it back to him and then went right back to bed.

We went big girl bed shopping and found something yesterday! We have to order it and are skipping our normal shop as they were so rude to K on Saturday about testing beds using a noisy voice etc in the shop. Apparently they only want couples in the shop... so we went to Stanford yesterday and did a mass big girl shopping run! Exciting! New bedding... the best part!

K and I went to Los Gatos on Saturday and had an incredible time... We stumbled on a few boutiques with open houses so K had brie and crackers every twenty minutes and played with a million toys as so many of the shops have great toys for the kids. The best part was K's trip to Icing on the Cake where she got to pick a pink cookie. The pumpkin cookies were made from pumpkin so they weren't as appealing as the sugar cookie with frosting and sprinkles. Hard to believe. As we were having friends over for dinner that evening I bought some cookies... Hands down the best cookies ever! I recommend everyone check them out.

On Saturday M&J came over and we had a great time with them as always! K loved loved the visit! She put on California (her Hall costume horse), shared toys and puzzles and just had fun! It was funny to watch her run around with friends as normally she is a bit more reserved.

I have my first calc midterm on Tuesday so I spent much of the weekend studying and K spent some extra time with Gma S so T could help tutor his fantastic math student =). he had a lot of fun as always. Since we also had dinner with my family twice this weekend K got extra Gma time... always awesome!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Two nights in

K loves her big girl bed slumber party (translation: mattress on floor as we need to order a new bed. Not sure on the toddler bed, but it all depends on if the furniture shop really requests 14 weeks for delivery) The first night was forty minutes of "I have to go to the bathroom" until I finally had to tell her that she needed to show me she was ready for a big girl bed by staying in it. That must have stuck with her because she went to bed after that without a peep. In the morning she asked me if it was time to wake up before leaving. Another big milestone although it will be more memorable when she has a real bed in her room.

I bought her a pumpkin cookie as a treat this week... She loved it. We made it last for four snacks and since she is crazy about Halloween it was a real hit. We are going to get another one tomorrow. Not a good idea for me to have sugar cookies in the house, otherwise I would make them! A funny moment about the cookie and a two year old version of sharing... T was out one of the times she was eating her cookie and so she told me "I want to share with Daddy" I explained he would be home later and she could give him a piece. She said oh no I want Daddy to watch me eat the cookie... I asked if that is what she meant by sharing... She nodded immediately. Hmm... a different version of sharing, but a very funny one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If you are wondering

If you are wondering why it rained last night... It is because I washed my car at lunch yesterday and the rainy roads made it dirty again on the way to school today! I wonder if the dealership would mind if I went back today... Hmmm. I bet they are bummed I know about the free car wash benefits.

We are looking for a new bed for K. A big girl bed! She has been asking for a big girl bed the last few weeks while reading stories with big girl beds and we are have had two accidents in the morning because she needs to go to the bathroom as soon (and I do mean as soon) as she wakes up. So we are going shopping for a big girl bed this weekend. K being mine wanted to go at 7 this morning and was bummed to hear the stores are closed. This morning we pulled the crib mattress out of the bed and are selling a sleep over as I am sure it will take 2-3 months for the bed to come. I am thinking of skipping the toddler bed and going straight to the big girl bed... Too drastic? I hope not!

And finally K has been working on a Brooklyn accent. I am guessing it is a residual from the Dora episodes in Singapore, but we keep hearing baaaanana and cccattt. It is very humorous.

Gma C feel better (photos from K at school taken by TB)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Horse rider...

So K found her Halloween costume on Saturday... the best of all worlds. a stuffed horse she can ride. The horse's name is California and she loves him! Not only did we add to our stuffed animal costume she gets to ride a horse whenever she wants... Not quite the same, but she enjoyed California all weekend. Halloween is big for K and so we spent a lot of time looking at costumes, pumpkins at the farmers market, checking out the pumpkin patch at Whole Foods while running errands and most importantly found a great spoon and fork with pumpkins on the handles.

We bought our first real thing at Ikea this weekend! A closet organizer for my purses... eek! K enjoyed her first visit to the shop and had to be dragged out... luckily for us she enjoyed standing on the cart and so we were able to wheel her to the car (QUICKLY).

A, my best friend from high school was in town and so I got to be her date for her dad's 60th, which was a ton of fun as of course not only did we get to go out together we had to shop for new outfits for the party. So much for last week's resolution of avoiding the shops. My closet organizer is making more room for Kate Spade friends and family sales as I type!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Remind me!

Last night as I put K to bed... she requested a reminder... Mommy remind me when I get to school tomorrow that I need to go on the swings and go wee wee... I said sure I will remind you... As I left the room she called out again not to forget to remind her. I said I would and got a big OK thank you! Knowing K there is no way she will ever forget to go on the swings, but it was a cute moment.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Back together!

T went with me to pick K up at school on Friday... She was thrilled and spent five minutes snuggling and looking at him... very sweet! We worked on getting her back to a more normal routine as her attitude had been becoming increasingly more and more tough... partly because of a cold and partly because she sometimes likes to push when there is only one parent. I find myself slipping on staying consistent every once in a while when I am solo. Ok, maybe that is just me! We had two two year old bday parties over the weekend and T and K got caught up while pmogi and I went to Santa Cruz, shopped and got haircuts. Time for me to not visit any malls... the kate spade friends and family was this weekend and the other cute shops and clothing items kept leaping into my arms... In order to prevent this I am not going near shops for a few weeks. Instead I have calculus to look forward to... It is nice to have Daddy home... we even snuck to Osteria for a date on Saturday night to catch up after Kaitlin went to bed as Gma C is here... very fun.