Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The best helpers

T has been picking up lots and lots of slack at the house as I basically lay around resting up so that I have enough energy to make it to work and school.... which has been awesome, but I am sure really really tiring for him. K and Mommy have been served all sorts of yummy breakfast picnics in bed... which K is really enjoying although I think she could use a little more excitement from Mommy well with everything. T has even been going into work late everyday, which normally would kill him as he really wants to be in the office early, but never a complaint. Basically everyday he has done whatever possible to help get through the day which is SO appreciated!

K has also been awesome! At first the throwing up made her really really nervous. Today however she told me after I threw up for the first time that she had decided to pat my back whenever I was throwing up to help me. And so when I threw up for the second time of the morning she did run over and pat my back while suggesting we go back inside as she wasn't sure how we could drive to school.

Last week when I came home from school rather nauseous she was kind enough to lay out the rules of where exactly I could be sick. Not near her blankie, any of her toys, on her bed or on her toy trunk. If I am sick it must be in her bathroom, yes she was willing to share her bathroom, but I could not throw up in the floor... from a practical reason she pointed out she might step in it and well her feet would smell funny.


Lady M said...

Sweet kid. Hope you feel better soon!

Desiree said...

Yikes, sounds like you have it bad. Hope this phase passes quickly.