Monday, October 20, 2008

A nice weekend

In between the race and Mommy spending the night in SF we had a really good family weekend. On Fri night we met M&J for dinner with K. K loves going out with our friends so she had a great time chatting, playing with toys and as always trying to eat her food like a little monkey.

On Sat morning we met up with C and Fi where the girls spent most of their time scouting out the toy stores in downtown LA. Luckily the Mommies still found time for coffee. Ballet was a huge hit this week because the kids got to pretend to go an animal zoo where they jumped around like little froggies. And last night we went to Tay's house for dinner where the two girls ran around and played like well monkeys until bedtime tore them apart. I didn't get pics of everything, but here are a few of our beautiful girl!

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