Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Doctor Mommy

As I mentioned K has been very forgiving and creative in ways she can still play with Mommy even in my morning laziness due to my fear that any movement will make the throbbing head, nausea etc. worse.

This morning we played one of her favorite games.... bring her animals and dollies to the doctor. Today Deery deer came. She explains the problem... he fell off a tree trunk and then Mommy the doctor looks at the injuries. Today's diagnosis: three of the deer's hooves were hurt from the fall. We decided on a salve and fresh bandages three times a day. She took him home to her room and quickly returned with the next patient. Crash!

Crash has been renamed her trouble horse. She received him last Christmas from S&R and he sleeps on her bed nightly sometimes right next to her blankie also a gift from S&R. Anyway so this guy keeps her up at night, prevents her and her dollies from sleeping and well just does all sorts of things.... As she mentioned to me this morning he is on time out every morning because he hits her babies. She was quite exasperated as she explained that she keeps telling him she has just TOO many children to take care of and he really can't hit her babies. It is just too much work. I wonder how we got so many children in the first place.... Anyway, back to the problem at hand. Crash had hurt his head in a fall. A quick cleaning, special medicine, I am sure you are getting the picture and Crash is now good as new, hopefully he will get off those time outs soon.

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