Monday, October 13, 2008

Mommy weekend

T took a mancation this weekend.... 73 holes of golf over a day and a half and lots of fun with friends. K and Mommy hung at home cleaned closets, toy areas, got ready for winter and did some regular routines like the farmers market, hung with Gma S, and of course ballet with our fancy new ballet slippers. It turned out to be rather mellow, but nice. K even gave me the honor of letting me pick what she wore yesterday... She mentioned "I know mommy you never get to pick what I wear so you can choose today."

When we met up mid-afternoon yesterday for a lunch with friends I experienced one of those wow K is really growing up moments. All the folks with kids at the lunch had pre/early teenage kids and they had all been tasked with watching K and making sure she was happy. One of the kids was a big girl K adored and had recently had dinner with while we were in NYC so she was thrilled to be following the big kids around and just playing... And for the first time ever she got to go outside without us. After lunch the kids wanted to go to the park and even though we tried to get K to hang with the adults she wasn't too into the idea. So since the home was in a gated community K got to go off with the big kids to walk down the block to the park. She was thrilled to leave without a true adult. T and I were a bit hesitant, but it was amazing to go to a 3+ hour lunch and barely even see her because she was so caught up in hanging with kids, eating at the kids table etc. The kids left with three cell phones and the parents holding our phones close to us in case we got a call. Needless to say they returned and had a great time, although they mentioned the walk took a really long time. I can imagine they were a bit shocked by the speed of a 3 year old, but they were all such great kids that it worked out really well.

1 comment:

YF said...

that is great! how fun!