Monday, November 06, 2006


K spent most of the weekend at home. She had a hard time leaving the house (lots of toys to get reacquainted with due to her first full week of school). We managed to get her out to the neighorhood park, Grandma's for dinner, to Gelato to share an ice cream and downtown to the bookstore to play with the life size dogs. The pmogi suprise visit allowed us a lot of family visits and so K played at home a lot especially with play doh, which is the favorite toy of the moment.

T and I were driving by a rest that was turned into a sports bar last weekend and commented on the weird change. K was in the backseat and quickly repeated sports pause bar... It was so funny to hear her say it that we laughed most of the way home. This of course excited her and so she spent a lot of lunch Sat saying sports pause bar while waiting for laughter. T mentioned she looked like she was telling her first joke as she was so pleased with us. She is learning to understand the feeling of happy and sad and mentioned that one of the girls at school was sad. I told her the next time she saw a sad kid she should make sure they are ok. We were talking yesterday about someone being sad and I asked her what she should do. She mentioned that she should give them a hug. I left her at school today and she talked about the fact that mommy, daddy and Kaitlin were happy.

K is so concerned about dirt. We sat down at a coffee shop table yesterday - she looked at it and told me it was messy and dirty... When she spilled her o's and sat - she told me it was messy "Mama messy" (I guess I better get cleaning).

Sleep is still rough. We aren't picking her up out of bed and just doing pat downs. Let's hope this passes. Her favorite word is definitely no. Tantrums have begun... Time to get reading about this new phase...

We are still searching for the last few pumpkins leftover from Halloween...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sports....Bar! I love how "Go Bears" became "Go Bars!"