Monday, November 13, 2006

A fun weekend

We had a great weekend going to Rancho with the mom's group visiting pigs, chickens, ducks, cows, bunnies, goats and sheep. We also spent some time catching up with S who is a couple weeks older than K. K loved spending time at her house playing with her toys etc.

We also went to Santa Cruz for the weekend to visit our friends. K loved going to the beach in the morning and loved chasing their kitties around. She also enjoyed R and followed him around, quite a change from months ago when she was a bit nervous when he would come by. She even went in with S to try and wake him up and kept telling him R up UP UP... When we were over there was a fly in the house and so we were talking about trying to get rid of it. K decided it should go to a spider web and so it kept shrieking at it to go web go web. A lot of things that were unacceptable this weekend were sent to the web.

We also had some friends over and she considered sharing her toys with their son J who is a few months older. She tried.... and even picked out the toys she would share when he arrived, but as soon as he got here it didn't seem like such a good idea.

Drop offs are getting better. 5 of the 6 have been without tears. Yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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