Monday, August 11, 2008

Wow, what a day

Closing the bell at the NYSE was just awesome... we got a wonderful tour, spent time hanging out in the beautiful board room and hung out on the floor, wandered around to specialist booths and of course got to ring the bell... Words can't describe it, but it was a super special moment and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it.

NYC has been great. K is loving the park, the horses, shopping at FAO Schwarz, playing with cousins, window shopping, the long walks, some wonderful dinners, which she has sat through... All of the restaraunts we have been to haven't had kid menus and she has handled it beautifully.... We went to Peasant which we remember fondly from a dinner many years ago where we chatted about kids with S&R. The great thing is we got to take the little one we were dreaming of with us. The restaraunt was less impressed... oh well. I was impressed!

We are thrilled to be a family together again and of course I am loving loving my favorite city...


YF said...

very cool - it is fun to take them to fancy spots. good for you! :-)

Lady M said...

How exciting!