Monday, February 04, 2008


Florence and Tuscany turned out to be stunning minus the rainy weather. My friend's home was on 40 acres of olive groves and on a hill overlooking Florence. It was a different experience to live in someone's home in that area even if it was more of a short time. I could have moved in. We spent some of our time in Florence shopping, walking, drink coffee,checking out sights like the Pitti Palace, the world's first orphanage and eating. We ate at one of the best little restaraunts which served this beef that you had to approve before they cooked, which was very good. It was a local specialty and wins out kobe beef when taste tested together. I was quite impressed and I rarely order steak. We had lots of great wine and I might have consumed by yearly allotment of wine as we had it at both lunch and dinner everyday. We also went into the Tuscan countryside and wandered the towns and just explored. The visit was really nice and getting to go around a city with people that really knew it made it so fantastic.I read in their tower on one of the only sunny mornings. Yesterday, the fun had to end and I traveled to Manhattan. Never one to fly over NYC without shopping, I mean stopping I am going to have one day of my favorite Manhattan moments before coming home.As I came through customs yesterday all of a sudden the crowds went crazy... Turns out the Giants won just a walked out and so it was really neat to see the celebration.. People got out of their cars, the international room was full of screaming. It was just enough super bowl action for me.

Everytime I chat with K a new animal moves in... She has informed me of a mommy and baby skunk, a donkey and a purple cat. It is time to get home and kick these guys out and get ready for K's birthday. Another reason to shop today... I will be eating salad for the next month, after too many good meals to recount, but that definitely doesn't start today.

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