Monday, May 14, 2007

drive with caution

I got my first ticket (ever) a few months ago as the officer suggested my brake lights weren’t on long enough at a stop sign near downtown… although he did mention he saw them. Last week I avoided a ticket by slamming on my brakes after initially hoping to run a yellow as K informed me while wearing underwear she had to go number 2. Today on my way to the gym (the gym that is two minutes from my house) I noticed a police car near the coffee shop next to the gym. I grabbed my seat belt (the one I always wear) which wasn’t on at the time to see the cop circle the shopping plaza to get behind me… panic… put my gym shoes on while he stops behind my car… still trying to be nonchalant when he rolls down the window. Luckily when I said hi he told me it was safer to drive with my seatbelt and drove off. Apparently the nondescript SUV looks like a red convertible these days so I am going to be driving the speed limit for the rest of the year. I guess K is right Mommy’s car drives slow, but Daddy’s car drives FAST!

K's making progress with the potty and had a dry nighttime diaper this morning and a dry nap diaper yesterday. Still having one accident a day even though I have resorted to chocolate bribery to make sure all no2s are in the potty.


Anonymous said...

I got my first ticket ever last month, too! I got mine at one of those traps (stop sign) they set up where there are 2 cop cars and 2 other cars got stopped with me. When I drove through the same area the next week the same trap was there. Grrr... I have also been paranoid about another ticket. Are you doing traffic school on line?
Miss you-

YF said...

oh yeah, the cops are out in force... You better be wearing your seat belt... :-)