Thursday, September 21, 2006

18 mth appt

K had her 18 month appt today - a lot of tears and not very happy with the shots or the examination. While we were chatting with the doctor she kept pointing to the door and saying out.. out... She would also look over at the door and ask for the doctor - clearly she had a different expectation of the doctor from the monkey book. She was excited about the doctor before going to the appointment and kept chatting about the doctor and going bye bye. The worst is over and one more shot in a few months. She is almost 34 inches and almost 24 pounds.

1 comment:

Lady M said...

Shots are no fun. Q hasn't had any problems with vaccinations until the 18 mth appointment. He had a low fever for a few days after this last round - thank god it's over for another few months!

Hope you are well!