Monday, April 27, 2009

The last weekend as 3

Sat morning Aunt J came down to hang with me and K.. She brought K a beautiful fairy who we have hanging next to our car seat as we drive around. We went to coffee - did more art, went to ballet and tap before going to Target where K ended up with a few summer outfits from Aunt J and us... I swear taking K to Target doubles my bill every time.

Sat afternoon I met two girlfriends. One for lunch and shopping and another for coffee. Both girls are undergrad friends and are in the process or have moved back making it a really nice girlie afternoon with many more planned adventures. Somehow I missed Pinkberry again... How can this be?

On Sunday we went for coffee and the market before I went out with Pmogi for shopping before going to my mom's for dinner... Lots of pre baby C adventures, but all great... And we continue to organize every corner of the house... Goodwill must love or hate us!

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