Friday, April 03, 2009

I don't dream

K and I normally read books together in the morning for about 30 minutes before adventuring to start our day and the process of actually leaving the house... This morning she stated Mommy, I don't dream. In fact I never have dreams. (Yes she really did say in fact, just like she loves to say actually and perhaps in sentences).

She proceeded to spend ten minutes talking about her non existent dream of a fox. I am not sure how she has gotten so chatty, but in the last six months it has been hard to get a word in while she chats away.

1 comment: said...

Dear Kgoose,

I've read about all your adventures and I can see you've hat lots of fun with your Mom. i'm snxious to meet your new pup[py and pony. What are their names?

I am enjoying warm weather and lots of lovely walks around Astoria.

I will soon be coming to visit you and your new little sister. I am so excited to see you again and I love you very much!

Grandma Charlotte