Saturday, June 03, 2006

Weekend fun!

We decided to go on a hike at Rancho this afternoon, before an appt for Dmogi. We spent most of the time making lines in the sand at the bottom of the hill and we never even got to the animals. Somehow we were just as dirty as if we had walked 10 miles. It was quite fun and we even got to wear our new no slip hair clip. Needless to say K goose looked fantastic.

Bow wows are a big part of our adventures, but today K goose decided it was time for her to take some initative and kiss the bow wows before they kissed her and so we spent quite a bit of time kissing bow wow noses. Quite fun. The bow wows that got to kiss her after her pistachio ice cream of Baskin Robins were especially appreciative.

The most important part of the day was at the end. After a very relaxing meal at Country Gourmet (ok food, but fantastic kid atmosphere complete with books and toys) we came home for our favorite thing in the world, a bath! K goose said bathroom a few times after the bath and so we put her on Dora. Shock of shocks - tinkle tinkle! I never thought I could be so proud of a pee, but the shrieking and excitement of both T mobro and I was so loud you could hear it all through town.

The other minor accomplishment is that she seems to really understand more. At the end of her morning bottle, she showed me the more sign so she could get more milk. I was so proud, I of course had to get her a nice refill.

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