Monday, June 19, 2006

Fathers Day fun

We might be down to one nap! Awesome news as we can predict and plan our days a bit better.

K goose's vocabulary is amazing. The funniest thing though is the way she identifies sunglasses as daokens and spider webs as flowers. I am not sure how she came up with these terms, but it is funny to hear her refer to our daokens. The rest of her words always sound like the word she is trying to say just not complete i.e. wa-wa for water or bal for balloon.

We took K goose to Los Gatos for a walk around town yesterday afternoon after a 2.5 hour nap. She was in a fantastic mood and had so much fun wandering around the town park. In the morning we took DaDa to breakfast as that is his favorite meal. It was funny to be in the kiddie corner and we realized we have to take K out to eat more and also work harder at getting her to stay in her chair. She always eats on the run. The best part of breakfast was that she ate almost all of my eggs. Let's hope we can add that to the menu. It was a rather quiet day, but great to celebrate fathers day number two. DaDa is the best!!!!!

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