Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ice cream

We took K goose on light rail last night into downtown. She loved it and we were wandering around downtown until she wandered into the gelato store and started saying i cream iii cream. I was so surprised to realize she knew where ice cream came from I burst into laughter. Of course being the ice cream lover I am I wanted to reward her for her brilliance, but the lack of dinner delayed the ice cream treat for another day. We have only been to that store about 8 times with her. I am glad we don't have ice cream at home, she would never ever eat.

Over the weekend we went back to the fountains in LG. She loved them. We had such a great time playing in the water we climbed to the top of the rocks near the fountains and raised our hands in the air and declared K goose queen of the mountain. Ok the mountain was about one foot, but a mountain nonetheless.

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