Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This morning T served K breakfast before leaving for work... I was upstairs praying/dreaming of more sleep... I was checking in on K to make sure she had everything she needed...her response... just need company. of course I went down and pumped next to her while she avoided any attempts at eating... I swear she will learn to like eating one day.

One mega change... independent play... For the first time every she seems interested in playing by herself. She even picks up games and starts doing things.... all in all very positive to see... minor negative... giant messes everywhere from "playing."


Desiree said...

That's awesome. We have had some similar progress with Andrew too. I have learned to be at peace with the giant disaster area that is our house.

K goose blog said...

I need some of your zen attitude... I am still not sure what to do.