Sunday, August 09, 2009

Girl moment

Yesterday morning K and I left C with Daddy.... for some girlie time. We got on a conversation about what she wants to do when she grows up... here is her life plan as of yesterday... sure there is a new one today...

15 babies, all girls.
A pink convertible... the top will always be down. The babies will have to hold the umbrella when it rains.
She will be a doctor and never go on an airplane or in a car as she will stay at the hospital to take care of the babies. She will also be mommy's doctor, but that is it she really wants to be the doctor to you guessed it... babies.

We shared a smoothie and pop rocks... she sat on my lap while we had pop rocks and listened to the noises. It was sweet and fun.

She loves C she told me... except when she sleeps and cries. Her favorite time with C... playing... the playing is just beginning. C rolled over for the first time on Thursday. and have I mentioned she is getting to be too cute for words. pics soon.

Today I redeemed my bday gift from T... a day of spaing in Carmel at my favorite spa. As always heaven... so nice! Wandered the downtown and took in sunset at the beach... lovely!

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