Monday, January 05, 2009

And now back to the real world

We went back to work/school today and my classes start tomorrow so the holiday is over... A little overwhelming to know that this is the last break for quite a while as we know adding the little one will be a lot of work. The time off was filled with lots of awesome family time. We did a lot of play dates, park trips, visits to the library, adventures around the area and clocked some time at home trying to organize. Lots left to do as there was no way to get our list done! I think we did burn through our list of things to do with K around the area though so clearly we need to expand our list.

K requested that we take one more day off today to stay home, but there is no way she was going to miss any more school. She flew out the door, opened the garage and buckled herself in this morning. It was just too much to be away for over three weeks.

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