Wednesday, December 24, 2008

home again

We rushed from the airport Monday morning to go to M's for a crafts and cookie decorating party. All the kids loved the decorating, the eating of cookies and made some super cute crafts! K and M were so excited to be together after being separated for two weeks that it took some poking to get them to join in with the planned activities. Sugar is a powerful tool though and we have some beautifully decorated cookies to eat tonight.

Yesterday me and K went out to get our first family tree. T and I have never done them for just the two of us and for the first few years we didn't know if K would really get it. This year Christmas is such a big deal there is no way we could skip it. Last night we put the tree up with the decorations we have received over the years and K is so excited... T and I even waited to have dinner till K was in bed so we could have a romantic picnic dinner with just tree light... I missed that glass of wine to totally enjoy the experience, but we still had a great time.

Now we are gearing up for some fun cooking and visiting with family for the next couple days while everyone is home from work etc. And lots of present wrapping late into the night so our girl can wake up to a stellar Christmas morning.

1 comment:

YF said...

that mexico vaca sounded really wonderful. welcome back and happy holidays!