Monday, November 03, 2008

Both batteries are now charged

I failed on photos this weekend. Either I forgot the camera or I forgot to check the battery status.... Horrible!

We still celebrated Halloween A LOT! K's school had a great party Friday afternoon which Daddy flew home just in time to make and we all went out trick or treating in the neighborhood before we scooped her up and took her home for more trick or treating at home. She ended the night riding bikes with S and pretty much collapsed in bed from all the festivities. On Sat we went to the Mom's group party where she continued to wear her costume as a pink ballerina kitty although by this time she was bored of the kitty mask... Definitely not bored of the twirly skirt and we finished Saturday with one final party where she got to dance and enjoy the music still in her twirly ballerina skirt until again we made her go home around 9:30. She is going to be sad that these parties are over and now no late Saturday bedtimes at least for a few weeks until the holiday parties begin.

Sunday T and I went out for a morning date. It was fabulous! We went to coffee, out for breakfast and even got a few little errands done. Amazing how much you can do when you don't need to balance on curbs, stop for sticks or rocks and can just get in the car quickly. It was lovely.... K spent the morning with M and I think she had more fun than we did. Impossible, but she definitely came home glowing...

And Sunday night I returned home from a long school group project to a fabulous home cooked dinner from my awesome husband leaving us time to build a fort in the living room. Most of the fun came from the remodels where we added chandeliers, extensions, higher roofs, baby highchairs and of course a chair for K... It was a really nice family evening and nice to have some quiet after lots of parties!

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