Friday, July 18, 2008

British Open

This morning T and K went down to watch the open.... Here is what I heard as I tried to get the last few moments of sleep...

T: Come on let's go watch the open
K: Ok
T: Let's go
K: How about we watch Dora instead
T: No way, we are watching the open

As Daddy was leaving he turned off the tv...
K: Why did you turn off the tv?
T I am going to work
K: But I am still watching the Open

Now Mommy is left to watch the Open (very excited)
K: Look there is Sergio
M: I like Sergio
K: Where is Tiger
M: He has an owwie on his knee
K: I do too, look at my owwie (covered with a dora bandaid)
M: Yes, I see
K: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, good shot, oh he didn't make it in the hole, but it was a good shot
M: Umm yes
K: he made it in yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
M: We know who your Daddy is...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is the best K story! let me guess she was wearing the frilliest pink pajamas during this conversation. she truly is your and tom's girl. :)