Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is the point of work?

Our conversation on the way home from school last night...

K: Mom, does Dora work with you?
M: No
K: How about Boots?
M: No
K: How about Swiper?
M: No
K: Is Daddy at your work?
M: No, he works somewhere else.
K: How about monkeys?
M: No
K: Elephants?
M: No
K: Giraffes?
M: No
K.... long pause... do you have cars at work?
M: Yes!
K: Inside?
M: No, outside.
K: Oh, hmmm. I have cars outside my school. We are the same. A match!

K seems a bit lost about why I go to work... We have already discussed the fact there are no swings, I don't play with dollies and we don't have any bunnies or any puppies... like her school.... and no one makes me lunch. In an attempt to help me pack my lunch for work the other day she handed me a carton of soup... I guess she is trying to help make the office more fun!

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