Monday, April 23, 2007


Saturday was incredible in NYC. I went to the Ritz for breakfast, wandered the park (it was almost 80), shopped on Madison, had lunch at Isabellas (on the upper west side where T and I had a great lunch last year while K napped in her stroller) and visited the Frick Collection. I am trying to figure out when we can spend a summer there… I am not sure T is so crazy with the idea. Too close to daily shopping and too far from daily golf…

It was fantastic to be home on Sun! K gave me a few extra snuggles and is letting me kiss her more.. Eek! We took her to the coffee shop in town and then T took her to the market as I had my first gmat prep course. We met friends at the woodside bakery and K enjoyed her orange dainty again… We finished with a great dinner at my mom’s visiting family in town. K was pooped at the end of the day, but as always a trooper with all our adventures. Her favorite part of the day was seeing horses on 280 and asked to see cows this morning on her way to school. Apparently they can be seen from the left side of our car. Off to look for horses, cows and more snuggles from the goose.

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