Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The week before

The week before finals is getting to be a signature moment in the house... and I am sure this blog... same story the weekend or two before I spend more hours at school or studying than at home with the family... having a three day weekend earlier in the month meant that I could do two study days and one day at the beach... By the time Friday crept around I had convinved myself out of this and instead decided it was time to focus in... so I tried to focus as much as you can when the weather was as nice as it was this weekend... We still found family time to go to the pool, meet friends and hang out... I still feel guilty about missing the kids but excited about summer approaching...

C spent most of the weekend showing us she had mastered walking... advanced skills including turning while walking, sitting down using a gentle plop on to her bum instead of a flat out fall... of course we still had a few of those fall moments, but her walking is growing leaps and bounds... she has a signature extend both hands in front and walk... guess it is never to early to prep for the fall...

PS: I am still a princess... I ate oatmeal for breakfast and if I do this again I was warned by my sister princess K tomorrow I will no longer be a princess... Looks like I am required to eat plain o's for cereal tomorrow since we used up the daddy cereal. Might have to hit the grocery store.

C did an incredible thing this morning... she went back to bed this morning after nursing... guess it was to reward us for the weeks of 5am wake ups... 5:45 seems like sleeping in in her book...

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