Friday, June 18, 2010

Really... can life be this good...

This week is the first week of no classes, no grad school apps, no grad school tests in umm years!! And I am as madly in love with the concept as is K... Knowing all I need to do is work.. is the most amazing feeling... Since most of our holidays are crammed in one - three week breaks between school to just be home is incredible... so far nothing crossed off my growing to do list, but we are enjoying some great family time doing very exciting family things..
walks in the evenings with my wonderful and amazing husband
playing with the kids in the neighborhood
art projects
visiting with the gmas
ice cream treats after school (yes, that is right... it is true I DO let K get ice cream before dinner sometimes... if she reads this years from now she will know I am not always a mean rule abiding mommy after all it is written here as proof)
bath time...
Very exciting family moments that I am getting to enjoy and have the privilege of enjoying all summer long... next week begins the summer of boot camp at the gym, but that is also very exciting... Hurrah for a summer break with my girlies and honey!

1 comment:

YF said...

Summer for adults is just as fun! Hope you are good today! xo C