Monday, January 11, 2010

Bdays... playdates and family!

We spent a lot of the weekend having playdates, attending bday parties and two back to back date nights... I think we might have really tired poor K out as she was in bed by 8 last night... Pretty much a miracle! However she loved spending time with all her friends...

I have started a full search for a new preschool for K... I really don't want to leave our current location, but unfortunately our superstar teacher has opened a new location which she is running and so K is not able to be with her and there are more and more younger kids as most of her friends have now on to kindergarten... I have been playing with the idea for so long, but now I think we are finally ready to do something... Exciting and scary all at once. Also, will have to figure out how to maintain her Spanish which is incredible thanks to her current school.

Poor K is also really having a tough time with rules... the first thing she wants to say most days is no, I don't want and I won't... we are trying to figure out what to do... We need to find out how to fix this, how to change it etc... Some of it is from having to share with a baby sister, some of it is age, but it is soo hard to deal with! Argh...

C is almost almost crawling... and loving to walk holding hands... already! Boo... no more baby... well still a little bit of baby left after all she is only 8 months... We are doing much better with setting her expectations that there will be no nursing or snuggling at night... hope this will pay off with sleeping through the night for all of us... will keep hoping!

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