Tuesday, September 01, 2009

heat wave weekend

We really enjoyed the heat wave.... Friday night we had a yummy picnic at the park near town... Saturday we went to HMB.... had breakfast at our new favorite breakfast place, went to their local farmers market, found a really nice bookstore, and went to the beach... for hours. We walked on the beach, K dug holes and we looked for seashells... We finished at the Ritz for a late lunch... Both girls fell asleep at lunch... guess we showed them a great time. K fell asleep in my lap... so snuggly and talked to me about how long I will love her... Her thought today... Mommy, you will still love me in heaven.. My response oh yes I will love you a lot in heaven even though that is a LONG time away. Sunday we went to ride ponies, hold chickens, pet goats, pigs and ducks.... Found a local ice cream social and jumpy house to play in and ended the weekend with a baking adventure. K really enjoys cooking now so we baked... Unfortunately we were all more interested in baking and so now there are 20 sugar cookies to toss as noone ate them. The rasberry cobbler ... that is another thing as the calories, sugar and sat fat in that is verry low...

I need a new camera... taking all suggestions... Our is broken and we need to hurry and get pics of our little girl. We are leaning to another sony as we can use our old memory stick, batteries etc... but maybe we should take our superstar camera friend's advice and buy one of the canon's...

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I have had a Canon for 5 years and love it. We are probably going to buy one of the newer model Canons pretty soon since we have had great pictures with the one we have.