Monday, June 09, 2008

Watching kitties

This morning when I dropped off K to school we saw some of the neighborhood kitties walking around... we decided to take a moment to watch them and giggle at all the silly things they were doing. Listening to her giggle is definitely one of the best parts of my day.

My other favorite moment was last night... somehow I have a minor flu and so K in an effort to make me feel better ran upstairs and grabbed books for us to read together... she read books to me and told everyone that we all had to be careful because Mommy was sick. This morning when she found out I was still sick she came over and rubbed me and told me that it would be ok and I would feel better soon. She is really concerned and very sweet.

The rest of the weekend was awesome. On Fri Ang came up and we went to her mom's 60th bday party... on Saturday we celebrated my bday with a coupley day in the city where T took me to Eat's for my favorite fruit crepes, followed by adventuring in the Fillmore and lunch at Cafe Balboa, coffee at BlueBottle and exploring in the Marina. Gma C covered for us and spent the day with K while Gma S made an awesome bday dinner... PMoGi in true mogi fashion found and made incredible presents including a beautiful book filled with all our recent travel adventures. We are adding to the book... soon I hope. Sunday was filled with an octopus balloon, fun meals with friends and lots of market cherries and apricots.


Lady M said...

An octopus balloon? Very curious . . .

Silicon Valley Moms Group said...

Happy late birthday! Sounds like a good weekend. You can get Blue Bottle coffee at Fraiche in PA just so you know!