Monday, June 02, 2008

Three presents please

Yesterday I spent the day with my family and so K hung with Daddy and Gma C doing all her favorites... farmers market, bookstore and yummy coffee shop whipped creams. As I was leaving we talked about how many presents she wants.. Whenever I go away for a trip I always come home with little and sometimes bigger treats... So yesterday K requested her standard three presents. I made it home just before bedtime and of course outside of delaying bedtime we checked out our presents.. a glass with cherries on it (we had our first glass of milk in it this morning in addition to more cherries... we love cherries) an accordian (which we took to bed and Crash our awesome horse held for us when we finally stopped playing with it and closed our eyes) and a little handmade cloth ball (which we practiced throwing and catching with Daddy before he took off for work this morning). All three little treats were giant hits. K requested to take them to school, but luckily we compromised on a kitty instead.

The day with my family was lots of fun. We went back to Berkeley for coffee, campus time, shopping, Ici, Rockridge, 4th street and of course the rose gardens... All lots of fun and great quality time. pics coming soon...

On Saturday T and I took advantage of Gma C's visit and went to Santa Cruz for a shopping golf day with S&R. We love our golf and shopping days, but they are always too long for K unless they are a weekend trip. We also made it out for a nice beach walk and breakfast as a couple... also awesome.

One of my favorite moments of the weekend was run and seek. K calls hide and seek run and seek and so we love playing as a family in teams... almost as much fun as gathering stuffed animals, hats and other pieces of clothing in teams and making sure the other team (normally it is daddy against mommy and K) doesn't get the prized possessions. It is so cute and leaves everyone laughing.

1 comment:

Lady M said...

Run & Seek sounds great!