Monday, October 01, 2007

Back together!

T went with me to pick K up at school on Friday... She was thrilled and spent five minutes snuggling and looking at him... very sweet! We worked on getting her back to a more normal routine as her attitude had been becoming increasingly more and more tough... partly because of a cold and partly because she sometimes likes to push when there is only one parent. I find myself slipping on staying consistent every once in a while when I am solo. Ok, maybe that is just me! We had two two year old bday parties over the weekend and T and K got caught up while pmogi and I went to Santa Cruz, shopped and got haircuts. Time for me to not visit any malls... the kate spade friends and family was this weekend and the other cute shops and clothing items kept leaping into my arms... In order to prevent this I am not going near shops for a few weeks. Instead I have calculus to look forward to... It is nice to have Daddy home... we even snuck to Osteria for a date on Saturday night to catch up after Kaitlin went to bed as Gma C is here... very fun.

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