Monday, March 12, 2007

weekend highlights from K's perspective

- Playing with Tay Tay!!! Jumping in my bed and throwing stuffed animals at mommy and Taylor's mommy to catch. Eating edamamamamame with T. T's mommy calls it edamame - strange. I corrected her on the right way to say edamamamame.
- Having Daddy push me in my car so I could go visit all the neighborhood parks.
- Drawing with mommy and finally getting some time with Mommy...
- Seeing Pmogi and Gma for dinner. Having pmogi buy me hop hop crackers. My favorite!
- Eating an ice cream on Mommy's lap with my ice cream spoon.
- Having twee twee give me extra stamps on my hand.
- Drawing at the coffee shop while enjoying my whipped cream.
- Waving to the trains in downtown.
- Talking on the phone to everyone who calls the house.
- Most of all... enjoying the beautiful blue sky (which I pointed out to mommy and daddy) and getting to wear sandals with no socks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tay Tay had a great time too (as did I). K goose really wore her out and she took a great nap for me, yea! Glad that K can correct me on my pronunciations...what was I thinking?!? Thanks for lunch. Looking forward to a Twee Twee date soon...
Davida & Tay Tay