Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just five days left...

Five days left of summer break left... until hurrah the last quarter of business school. I am so excited. The summer was a very nice preview of just how nice having entire weekends as a family can be. It was great to spend so much time on the coast or in the city and just being together. It was so strange to wonder what to do every once in a while as we had a free day on a weekend where I didn't have to head off to school...  It was nice to hang with so many awesome friends and celebrate with weddings, happy hours and wine. And do a lot of window shopping... I think I considered purchasing about 200 purses this summer... I think I bought two... thank goodness I had some restraint.

Spending all the extra time with my wonderful husband and the kids was very very nice... however the kids were a lot of work!! We had both kids home a lot more during the days whenever possible which was lots of fun and just plain exhausting.

Our house is a lot more organized as we cleaned every closet and every drawer in every room. Even the garage will be looking good after a few more runs to Goodwill. This level of organization is challenged on a daily basis with the little ones.

C's baby book will be done by the time school starts. Still trying to keep everything equal for the kids... So that is almost impossible, but still trying.

The kindergarten transition went well although we are still on the wait list for our first choice school which could result in another transition... not looking forward to it as K is madly in love with her school and her teacher.

Somehow the what am I going to do after the MBA question remains unanswered and still really overwhelming, but luckily I have a few months to figure this out... The other goal, that last little baby weight still remains, but hey 2010 isn't over yet so there is still time to get this worked out as well!

I am sure the biggest highlight of summer for K was Disneyland, C's biggest highlight was learning to play with her sister and mine was spending time with my beautiful family and husband... Yes, still think I am as lucky as I was at the start of the summer despite all the summer adventures!

We are now going to begin our countdown to the celebration of the end of business school, two weeks in the Caribbean. Although this is just us and the kids the real celebration will be when we return and thank both of our mom's for always being willing to help out and be our support system so that I could finish school even with two monkeys.

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