Monday, August 30, 2010

So this is what it is like

Ok, so  now we know what it is like to have an eater... we have never had this issue with K as she has always been too busy to eat, but now we are quickly learning what it is like to have an eater, basically you need 10x the snacks you thought you needed and really just always have food ready.

Months ago I learned that sometimes if I needed a moment to get something done, and in the earlier stage of mobility where we needed to watch C like a hawk the best thing to do to keep her occupied was cut up a piece of fruit and put her in the highchair... even a few os could give you a moment to do dishes. I tried this again this morning when I needed to wash dishes before heading out... just pushed the highchair up to the sink and washed dishes between bites... here is our watermelon lover.

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