Friday, August 13, 2010

K hanging with her family...

T's sis and two kids came to visit and spent some of their around the States tour at our house... K was thrilled to have so many people to boss around  play with. She loved it, especially as it meant lots of time with Gma C who has moved out and in with Aunt J. K had everyone playing princesses, star wars and singing songs from their schools. It was quite cute to watch her as she loves being with them so much and completely idolizes her older cousins. T took the kids to an A's game which K really enjoyed especially as she got to eat a bag of skittles... and we all had a lot of yummy meals and even went to SF for the day. K kept up with the rest of us and did amazing. C stayed home as it was just too long of a day for her. She was pretty excited to hang with Gma C as she is now at Nelly's most of the week.

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