Thursday, May 06, 2010

Four shots to prove it

It is official... she is one... we had four shots to prove it. C is not impressed with life or the doctor.. In fact the doctor mentioned she got the stink eye on the way out the door when C saw her from across the hall... Oh you... what I would say to you if I could talk... C weighed in at 20 pounds and 30.5 inches... doing wonderfully... she is going to be less thrilled about the end of the binky and the bottle per the dr.s request, but at least she is on her way to becoming a big girl. Boo!

K is also on her way to being a big girl... I feel like we made a mistake with the school we picked for her... so much structure.. it is unlikely she will return there in the fall to finish k and right now I am debating the summer... today she broke into tears about her skirt not being long enough and that she needed shorts under her dress... In disbelief I went to the teacher to learn that yes they did ask for shorts underneath and yes in fact long dresses are ideal as girls are not ladylike about sitting with dresses... I am and was steaming... really ladylike while she climbs on the jungle gym, the slide and monkey bars... who really cares... after all we are only going to see princesses and ponies... isn't she too young to be made aware that underwear should be hidden... ahh as I am sure you can tell I am not impressed. And since she didn't get the school we had been working for in the public school we are going to have to find a k that works for everyone... busy researching again...

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