Sunday, April 11, 2010

K's first Indian wedding

K had her first Indian wedding this week and loved it... she has been really focused on being Indian this week and mentioning that she wished was full Indian and not just half... this was a perfect time for her to be at the wedding and take in a bit of the culture...

We went to the henna party on Thursday and she got a few designs on her hands... She took home about 100 bangles and has been counting and organizing them ever since... She even took some of the flowers home from the garlands.

On Saturday morning we took both girls to the wedding and morning reception... K spent quite a bit of time watching the bride, standing in front of the stage watching everything and meeting kids... She came home and asked to empty out toy baskets so she could be carried in a basket like the bride she saw earlier in the day. At the end of the wedding her and a few other girls went up on the stage and picked up sparkles and flowers and we now have at least 30 roses throughout the kitchen and living room... She also spent quite a lot of time carrying around C and helping her climb stairs and explore the space... The reception last night was also loads of fun... and a nice date for T and I.

1 comment:

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