Sunday, April 11, 2010

Khate, Khate

C was nursing this morning for the last time for a few days. I am heading to Boston so Daddy and Gma are back to the freezer supply... that may be the most amazing invention ever for my schedule... freezer bags and the freezer... (I can't compliment the pump even though I know I should.) Currently the freezer is full of frozen milk and not much else... this will soon change!

And because my cab was arriving in 30 minutes instead of the standard snuggle snooze fest we both try and embark on every morning which normally results in 30 minutes of sleeping for both of us until K arrives.. I was checking email while nursing... totally busted.. C looked at me wondering what I was doing... instead of the happy sounds she typically makes in the morning while nursing she spotted the phone and grabbed it... not hard to do with the screen on my phone.. Anyway so she grabs the phone and sees my pic of K... looks at it and starts to glow and chatter away Khate Khaa Khaa... ahh she has spotted her super hero! So the rest of our nursing session is spent nursing and staring at her sister...

With one fast approaching we are trying to decide what to do about nursing... With K it was easy... after nine months of pumping everyday I couldn't wait to be separated from that thing and stroll to whole foods for an organic gallon of milk... I wasn't getting any cuddles so it was just not the same.

With C it is so much harder! I am loving nursing her and don't really ever want to give it up... not very practical... especially as I am heading to Europe on Thursday and it is impossible to carry a pump around all day in a big city... plugs are impossible to find in America let alone another country... something I have learned over the last nine months... So I think I will be reducing nursing to just morning and nighttime feedings... hopefully she will stay interested in this (likely considering what an eater she is) and just let her completely self wean when she is ready .. not sure how long this will last, but logically it makes the most sense and allows me to hold on for a bit longer... The nursing is definitely in the top two moments of the day.

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