Friday, March 12, 2010

Japan bound...

We are six days away from our first international trip as a family... we will see if we were completely crazy or just adventurous after we return... but for now we are excited to be leaving for a ten day trip to Japan next week... The goal of the weekend... figure out how to buy just the right amount of stuff and pack it in three hours the morning we leave as I am heading back east tomorrow night after finals... Exciting!!!

Aunt J came down yesterday... C appears to be as in love with Aunt J as K is... they grinned, laughed and snuggled as Aunt J played with them... I have been remiss with the camera lately... must get back on board...

C is chattering away... her favorite sound ba... balloon is still a word she uses a lot, but also for balls... She said bath a few days ago and tries her hardest to mimic her cool big sister's sounds...


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