Thursday, February 18, 2010

Never say it...

I had to say it last night... wow seems like C is sleeping well... this is great... And well we all know what happened next... C woke up crying and I just assuming it was 6 and time to nurse stumbled out of bed to get her... luckily I looked at the clock and saw it was actually 2:50... realized it was for her to work out...

After a few minutes of fussing T decided to go and look at her and saw she was sitting up... so he set her back down... after a few minutes everything settled down... an hour later she let out another shriek.... lately she shrieks and not cries as K and her often shriek at one another.. they love the noise and conversation... we are all less thrilled... anyway so I went and peeked and she was sitting up again.. Set her down again with a binky and all quieted a few minutes later...

Looks like we have entered that stage of figuring out how to get up and sit from a laying down position... the piece we haven't figured out... how to lie down after sitting up... especially in the middle of the night.

Another favorite position the runner stance... you know the one right at the start line of a race... yes you can catch her in that positiona lot! She like her sister thinks crawling is SO overrated and wants to start walking... like now... she fell on the floor yesterday as she also always tries to shake our hands of when she is walking... yesterday my reflexes were way too slow and so I lost her to the floor... she didn't seem bothered... K and I were in horror, but C seemed to be happy to be walking the way she really should... without help!

I learned my lesson though... no more conversation about her sleep when it is good... never again!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Connor does the downward dog/running stance all the time. So funny. Except I think he might be attempting a somersault after watching his big bro at gymnastics!

Hope the sleep is improved. Can't wait for K's party on Saturday!