Monday, April 21, 2008


Friday nights are turning to be marathon playdates for K and S. We finally separate them at bedtime as they take turns playing at the two houses throughout the evening. As S's dad was out of town we went to storytime at the library and lunch on Sat once again only pulling them apart for naptime which was two hours delayed.

Sat night we had Aunt J over. K loves loves her Aunt J and so was in heaven. She also loved making cupcakes for M's bday and pizza for our dinner...

Sunday we decided to try and not drive our car for the day and made it almost the whole day. We walked to coffee and the market (where K got some fantastic Hawaii wear from M&J) and took the train to Menlo Park to have lunch with J... A lot more playing. Both Sab and Jam are kids K has been with since she was very little so it is cute to watch them grow and play more and more together. We drove to Gma S's for dinner where K had Gma making seconds and thirds of dinner.

The funniest moment of the weekend: K threw a coin into a fountain and made a wish. Her wish for the coin... Shopping!

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