Saturday, March 29, 2008

day two

We went to some beautiful temples and the stunning Grand Palace today. It was incredible and K loved the stairs at the Grand Palace as she and Daddy jumped off them, explored in the tunnels and ran around like banchees. She also really enjoyed the National Museum and chose looking at more art versus pool time when I was trying to convince everyone to go home. It was hot! She kept looking for all the Buddhas, which was cute. The evening was amazing as she ended up being wiped from the day and T and I sat for drinks, dinner before shopping. We left the stroller so our arms almost fell off.

Overall the experience has been great, but the fighting with cab drivers, dealing with the lying tuk tuk drivers, the insane traffic, horrible polution and how hard it is to walk around is just tough. We saw two different moms with their toddlers begging on the streets which just breaks your heart especially when you see how lucky K is. It is also sad to tell K to be careful who she talks to and have her hold her hand almost all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is definitely hard to get anywhere on your own there. You guys are brave travelers to be going it alone - we have always done tours to avoid the cabbies and tuk tuks as much as possible!

Sounds like you are having a great time though, I am glad to hear that K is enjoying herself.