Monday, February 05, 2007

tia no tf

Today K went to school and was asked about her weekend - if she saw Grandma, pmogi etc. The teacher quickly told K now remember (aunty en espanol is tia). K immediately heard TF (who is my cat growing up and still lives with my Mom. The teacher kept trying to tell her no Tia is aunty and K kept responding no tia is not tia, but rather TF el gato meow meow while laughing. She then told me hasta manana - I said no hasta luego and she kept responding hasta manana. Quite the joke-teller.

We couldn't get K out of the house yesterday. We had trouble getting her down for her nap due to a very grumpy sleepy girl so we resorted to the drive around town trick. It worked and she napped two plus hours in the car.. Of course she told us she was NOT tired. She got out of her car seat and immediately requested to put on her pajamas. In an attempt to maximize her bumming around day she changed pjs 5 times. Not to worry I found ballerina pjs for her bday. I won't show them to her until after her party. We will never get her in her party dress.

K and I had a nice Sat morning adventure visiting Grandma and playing in downtown Los Altos. When I asked her if she wanted to see Gma she immediately went to the garage door and stood there waiting. I asked about eating breakfast first and she told me no. She will eat at Gmas! T took her on the train in the afternoon and K quite the young girl, held the train ticket in her pocket the entire way. She was still talking about it on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So smart and cute, too. We miss you K!!
Davida & Tay