Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A few highlights

K goose’s European adventure! A few highlights:

Having MoCa bring Mommy a bird the day we were to leave
Getting over a nasty cold
The swings in Hyde Park
Having a cup of tea with Grandma in England (more sugar than tea)
Dog watching and rock collecting in Hyde Park
Listening to musicians in Covent Gardens
Meeting Santa for the first time at a French Christmas Market (buying my first very own hairbrush complete with flowers and polka dots)
New beds to try out and jump on
My new Anna stroller (my doll has an umbrella stroller)
Trying chocolate samples in Brussels (decided my apple snack was unnecessary)
Visiting every toys tore in Brussels and learning about Thomas..
Going to the Natural History Museum in London and looking at the dinosaurs (wanting to touch them and not being able to – bummer)
Seeing Grandma after too many weeks away… Spending time playing with her. Singing songs with her.
Eating ice cream at 10pm in Amsterdam after walking through the rain to look at Christmas lights and boats on the canals (way past my normal bedtime due to a very late nap)
Getting all sorts of neat toys, new tastes and treats along the way
Meeting Mommy’s friends who live in England and eating noodles and ice cream with them at a yummy lunch.
Being back together with Dada and being a family.
Having a fun fun lunch with Mommy in Dusseldorf while all the servers talked to me and shared lollipops.
Watching police horses in Dusseldorf for 40 minutes until they finally left. Following them and then trying to convince Mommy to buy pearls for them as they would love necklaces.
Showing meow meow the airplanes at the airport
Going to a beautiful church in Aachen and looking at the stained glass
Not having a normal bedtime and learning to be flexible about where I sleep and when.
Pretending the safe in the hotel rooms was a microwave and using it heat up my tea
Enjoying German Christmas celebrations, lights and decorations
Meeting more horses in Amsterdam and getting to pet them for an hour
Seeing boats and water in Amsterdam


YF said...

sounds wonderful ! execpt the bird part... welcome home!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Glad you had such a great time. K goose sounds like a star traveler. Looking forward to seeing you soon.