Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our first long getaway

We are nearing the end of our coupley get away that was made possible thanks to our amazing mom's who have been taking care of both kids and our kitty, all our wonderful friends who have helped with school pick ups, weekend coverage and countless offers of help.... Thank you everyone for making it possible. We are so lucky!

The trip so far has been awesome and amazing... It is sometimes easy to forget what traveling so light can be like. i.e no diaper bags, strollers etc. In fact we managed to leverage carry on only for the entire trip which would never be possible as a family of four. We started our trip in Florence and ventured out to Tuscanny and some other surrounding towns. One of the towns neither one of us had been since our babymoon before K... It was so wonderful to remember all the hopes and joys you have as you become parents... We went on to Paris, and the end of carrry on only... a dangerous town for my shopping bug especially since we had to bring things for the kids.. had to! The things I bought for me, well those not sure how they ended up there... The trip so far has been full of amazing food, late night walks, dinner at 11pm, loads of museums, cappucinos, wine and exploring parks. The last part of the trip, has us out in Chantilly which is the work part of the trip for me and a chance to continue to try and figure out if we could live in Europe for a short period... one can dream. Heading home on Saturday and couldn't be more excited to return home to our two girls. Lots of pics to follow... and more importantly lots of memories and appreciation for our time as two.

1 comment:

YF said...

What a great trip and amazing to be able to get away just the two of you. Do you think your moms would like our kids? :-)