Tuesday, February 02, 2010

First day

The first day went well of K's new school went well. T did the drop off and I picked up early... some trouble with food... nothing will compare to the amazing fare of Nelly's, lots of new friends, no nap - OMG and lots of learning... She seemed ok and overall very brave. Day two... This is harder than I thought. Just want her to be happy and we cried a bit about wanting a blanket at school... got it in the wash so it is ready for tomorrow, but once again another good drop off...

Back in midterms... one down, two to go! Yuck!!! But after that T and I are heading to Ojai for our yearly get away.. A shorter time this time with nursing, but still very exciting... And next week... the big day K turns 5.

K loved loved the party at Nelly's... It was so cute to see her with the cake, her friends and all her teachers. They did a great job sending her off! As a special treat we finally stopped by a new dog hotel that is on our way home from school..She said hello to all the dogs being picked up from daycare, some of the folks let her walk their dogs, lots of petting and cuddles. Thankfully no request for a dog... she showed off her cat with pics from the phone and quickly learned to ask if the dogs were hyper... if they were she ignored them all together.

C is so close to moving.. she drags herself around, but isn't offically crawling.. prefers the three limbed crawl and of course the rolling.. She is still such an amazing eater... if it is offered she loves it... lentils, pasta, fruits veggies... anything...

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