Friday, January 29, 2010


Today is K's last day at Nelly's. A big deal for all of us as she really turned from a toddler into a little girl with their loving help... They have been a huge resource for us and a very reliable place for our little girl and us... But now she is too old and so it is time to move on. She starts in the kindergarten class at her new school on Monday. One of her old teachers will come over every weekend to help keep up the Spanish as we definitely don't want to lose her level of fluency. We need more tips... so send any other spanish ideas over! Talking about the new adventure on the way over she told me she was sad to leave Nelly's as she wouldn't see them and they loved her and that she was scared about the new school... especially if they don't know the kids bdays... Her fifth bday is over two weeks away.

C turned nine months today and had her first bites of yogurt and cheese. She preferred the cheese. Smart girl!

And her first tooth is in... bottom side... tears... I remember wondering if K would be beautiful when her teeth started to come in at 11 months... little did I realize she was going to be so stunning.

And we are back to the gym. Hurrah! A bit sore this morning as I am 5/5 this week... Gotta keep it up.. Have big shopping plans for my 30th parties... and our 10 year anniversary parties... and graduation parties... and the lists go on.

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