Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our concerned kitty

Moca has always been our partner in parenting.. She would get up with me when I nursed K when K was a baby. She always comes running when one of them is really crying and although sometimes she keeps her distance she is always watching the two girlies... K broke her in and so she even let's C yank on her tail... and because MoCa doesn't seem to really respond to the yanking C is much more ok just letting MoCa be...

Our doctor recently instructed the key to improving C's sleep was no more pick ups... (Yes, I did actually make a doctor's appt just to talk about sleep. Gotta have one rookie mommy appt a baby. With K it was crying in the car.. I was convinced it was an ear infection..)

Anyway I had been worried since nursing during the day was so tough that she needed all those nursing sessions at night... Well the doctor said no... no more nursing at night... and she even promised she would sleep better... Because we have a rock star doctor and one who sleeps at night and therefore she is very intelligent and coherent! Unlike us who have been looking rather wiped lately... she was right.. So now C cries once or twice a night, but puts herself to sleep with no help... The other advice no more parents inserting binky... if she can't find the binky herself at night... that is it.. no binky.. Also promised to help improve the sleep!

MoCa has felt her parenting responsibilities increase dramatically since this appt... Now she yowls at us when we don't pick up C... I am sure she is thinking we are really bad parents... the baby is crying and here I am trying to wake you guys up and still nothing... no movement... What is wrong with you... so the last few nights we have both C & MoCa yowling at the same time... C "PICK ME UP" M... PICK HER UP! I need to sleep and us trying to ignore all yowling as we too want to pick C up but also really wanting to go back to sleep.

And it is true she can find her binky given the chance. The other night as she was fussing all of sudden we heard that glorious sound of the fussing stopping and the binky going in followed by rather violent angry sucking by C... as if she was saying... where have you been I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU! Now I must tell you how upset I am that you were gone when I needed you... Last night I put two binkies in the bed... maybe I will do 3 tonight as when I picked her up both had been moved and were right by her head... Wonder if I should buy more as we are down to 3 binkies in the whole house.

Ahh we have a genius doctor... May the sleep continue to improve! (There I have written it... never will happen again...)

Recently I changed make up brands and asked T the standard wife question.. anything look different... He starts the search to figure out what is different and finally says well maybe your eyes look lighter.. so no the make up didn't change anything, but not nursing 3-5 times a night sure is helping!) Sleep deprivation is a mean thing!


Desiree said...

We keep at least 4 binkys at all times in Connor's bed for best self retreival. He goes to bed by himself like a champ. Doesn't stop him from moving into Mommy's bed during the night though. :)

K goose blog said...

you are a very patient mommy! I love snuggling in bed with her but it breaks down her sleep so I had to outlaw it for both of us.