We went in the pool today and K goose loved it. We have only gone to swimming classes in the past and today we just went to splash around. We were in the water for 50 minutes and every time I would get her out so she could jump in, she would say more more. We had a great time and definitely will add the pool to our activity list.
M goose lost her collar yesterday and for the first time ever didn't come in to eat her meat. K goose did her part in calling for her and she sat next to Grandma at the window seat going meow meow. Luckily she was near the house and we found her quickly, but K was quite cute about helping. Must go to the pet store for a collar.
We also might be going to one nap. Today's first nap was at 12:20 and she woke a bit before 6. She has been trying for one nap for quite some time and so we will see how keeping her up later goes so she can handle just one nap. Yesterday she was super tired so I put her in her bed even though she didn't really want to go to sleep in the afternoon. She refused to go to sleep and sat chatting with her cats. After 30 minutes of chatter I went in to her room and found that her diaper was off, she had peed in and on her crib. She even managed to get pee on her bumper and on the carpet outside of her crib. Quite impressive! I was laughing so hard when I walked in that she also started laughing. I am sure that wasn't the right reaction, but it was just too funny. Needless to say we went on about our afternoon and headed to the LA farmers market. We were in the car about 4 minutes when she fell asleep, not that she was tired...
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